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National Pig Day

National Pig Day

Wherever you go in the US, there seems to be some good local BBQ. Whether it be local-to-MOBLZ North Carolina styles (Western, Eastern, or Lexington), Texas, Kansas City, or even Memphis style, there are many meat-treats waiting to be tried.



National Cabbage Day

National Cabbage Day

Today is National Cabbage Day! You might think that cabbage is an odd thing to celebrate, but read on to find out more about this versatile garden staple that serves as the base for some wonderful recipes.



National No One Eats Alone Day

National No One Eats Alone Day

National No One Eats Alone Day started out in schools as a way to make everyone feel included by making sure that everyone had a friend to talk with during lunch. A recent CDC report indicated that over 40% of adults were showing at least one sign of depression during all of the shutdowns and that astoundingly, 15% had contemplated suicide! We at MOBLZ think it is time to accept the mission to make sure that those who are suffering from loneliness and depression due to constant COVID-induced isolation have some personal interaction during a meal.



Feed the Birds Day

Feed the Birds Day

Did you know that you help the wild birds in your backyard survive the long, cold winter by feeding them? Bringing attention to that is exactly why “Feed the Birds Day” was created and is celebrated in mid winter on February 3rd. Mid and late winter are especially hard on outdoor animals. Food sources become more scarce by mid-winter for wild birds that over-winter in your backyard. What little food that is available can get buried under fallen leaves and snow.



Souper Bowl Sunday Charity Event

Souper Bowl Sunday Charity Event

The teams for Super Bowl LV (55 for those that don’t read Roman numerals!) have been set and the countdown for the February 7th game is on! While we’re excited to have some normalcy in our lives by spending a Sunday evening watching NFL football, we realize that due to the pandemic and the economic shutdowns that have occurred throughout the country, many people are hurting financially and might not be able to afford even the basic necessities. The demand on food shelters has more than doubled since March 2020.



National Cheese Lovers Day

National Cheese Lovers Day

Today is National Cheese Lover’s Day! Rejoice in the dairy goodness! Use today to sample and enjoy any of the multitudes of cheese varieties that exist. Depending on the source, there are between 900 and 1400 kinds of cheese!



2021 - Stay Social / Stay Connected

2021 - Stay Social / Stay Connected

We’re into the second week of the new year, the new COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out, and our economy and workplaces may all be able to be re-opened soon. If you haven’t been actively engaged with the tenants at your property, now is the time to get back in the swing! With everyone (hopefully!) headed back to our commercial properties, it’s time to reach out and let them know what’s going on. Read on for some effective communication strategies.



National Blood Donor Month

National Blood Donor Month

January is National Blood Donor Month, and in recognition, we wanted to promote having a blood drive at the properties you manage.



Managing Your 2021 Mobile Amenity Calendars

Managing Your 2021 Mobile Amenity Calendars

Happy New Year! How happy are you that 2020 is coming to a close? We know that offering amenities at your properties has been hard in the wake of COVID-19, but now that 2021 is on the horizon you need to be making plans. The hard part is that since we still don’t know what will happen with the pandemic, plans need to be coming together but remain flexible.
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