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Trucker Posts



5 Apps to Make Running Food Trucks Easier

5 Apps to Make Running Food Trucks Easier

Apps can help keep you organized and bring customers. This week we dive into some apps that can make running a food truck easier. They’re the apps we can’t live without and want to share!



Food Truck Spring Cleaning: Let's get ready to roll

Food Truck Spring Cleaning: Let's get ready to roll

Gearing up for the busy food truck season: 5 tips to get you ready. We know the busiest time of the year is quickly approaching. To start gearing up for that, we’ve created a spring-cleaning checklist to help shape up your truck for summer, including a few additional tips that could lead to more profits. Keep reading for more!



Gone Fishing: Using Instagram to Reel in Followers

Gone Fishing: Using Instagram to Reel in Followers

How can creating a 15-second video help grow your food truck’s following?



Websites are no joke

Websites are no joke

Creating and maintaining a good website can increase sales and exposure without taking away too much from your bottom line. So, why do you need a website?



Dos and Dont's for Mobile Businesses

Dos and Dont's for Mobile Businesses

We decided to ask some local business owners and operators for their tips on what to do and what not do in getting a mobile business up and running. As property managers, understanding some of the challenges or points of concern for your mobile service providers can be extremely helpful when trying to put together your own food truck rotations, schedule mobile services for your properties, or planning events that incorporate mobile vendors.



Best Online Ordering Systems

Best Online Ordering Systems

It’s a time of unprecedented uncertainty for food trucks, and there are plenty of trucks and caterers out there wondering how to safely navigate a world without crowds. Thankfully, there are companies helping food trucks survive. Take a look at this list of options for third party delivery and online ordering to help streamline the process for food truck customers.



Rise of the Delivery Apps

Rise of the Delivery Apps

The mobile app space saw huge growth over the last year because of COVID-19-related lock-downs and people often having to quarantine. Now that most lockdowns are lifted, the habits picked up during the pandemic have been sticking around. According to Apple, smartphone apps for grocery, food delivery, and fitness are the fastest growing categories of the past six months, even outpacing news and dating apps, which traditionally have large amounts of downloads. In this week’s article, we’ll explore some of the apps that are being used in this category.



Food Truck Safety

Food Truck Safety

As with any restaurant, safety on a food truck should be of paramount importance. There are many tools and situations in a restaurant that can cause injuries. All of that is magnified when you’re in a small mobile kitchen!



Best Practices for When We Reopen Food Truck Events

Best Practices for When We Reopen Food Truck Events

We here at MOBLZ believe that the reopening of the Food Truck market is imminent and we're excited about that! With that in mind, below are some best practices to use when getting back out there in the marketplace.
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