The property management landscape is constantly changing, while the needs of tenants, laws, and how quickly information is being dispersed is very static. Now more than ever, it is important to share ideas with like-minded professionals and peers.
MOBLZ was invited to be part of the BOMA Detroit Mega Education event few weeks ago. At the conference, MOBLZ was part of a panel that spoke about Mobile Vendor Management. Panelists discussed the hybrid work force, what events worked during COVID, and shared some horror stories from the pandemic as well. Here’s some of the topics we discussed at the event:
Do you see amenities as being a draw to come back to the office?
Kelly discussed the hybrid workforce and how it is becoming part of the Property Managers job to make the property inviting and to encourage employees to come back to the office. Events, outside amenities and upgraded building amenities are a good draw.
What Type of Events were successful during Covid?
Kelly Kerwin, Director of Property Management at Dilwig, and Eric Garrison, co-founder of MOBLZ, talked about the “Stick and Stuff” events MOBLZ organized at Dilweg’s corporate properties in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Most people liked our term “Stick and Stuff” which is what we internally call it when we pair up mobile blood donation or vaccination clinics with a food truck like the Cousins Maine Lobster truck. Employers who reward their employees for giving blood with a free lobster roll will get people back in their buildings on that day. Events like this also help the office feel inviting for employees returning to work.
Can you share some Property and Mobile Vendor horror stories?
Food truck fires, Mobile Vape Lounges, and electrical systems were HOT TOPICS --- yes, that pun is intended. There are always going to be times when things go wrong. Unfortunately, it is part of working with third party vendors, where you’re not always in control. This is why it is crucial to receive complete and accurate COI’s from mobile vendors prior to your events. Without their proof of insurance, you could be left with unanticipated consequences – many that can be financial or operational to your property.
Of course, many other topics were also discussed, and we love participating in these panel discussions at BOMA events. We’ve spoken at Salt Lake City (BOMA’s annual event), BOMA Orlando, and BOMA Nashville. Our panels are always a big hit with great attendance, and we get lots of feedback from the audience – both during and afterwards! We know that many Property Managers are still using spreadsheets, dealing with trying to convince good food trucks to come back to their properties, find replacement trucks when one cancels last minute, and even are still trying to get people back to the office buildings. The common phrase we hear “My admin is spending tons of time….” MOBLZ is here to help. Let us know when you are ready to talk.
About Our Panelists:
Becky Hanner, Owner of Hanner Commercial Assets, long-time BOMA Fellow, and 30-year commercial real estate veteran, was the panel organizer and leader.
Kelly Kirwan, Director of Property Management for Dilweg, represented Property Owners.
Eric Garrison, Co-founder of MOBLZ, represented Mobile Vendor Management services.
A fourth panel member representing service providers at a monthly mobile event which draws over 3k attendees wasn’t able to participate due to a last-minute family situation. We missed the Cars & Coffee organizer’s input, but were able to pass along some of his insights.
A big thanks to BOMA Detroit’s Robin Bonneau who organizes the “Mega Education Month.” event!