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Women's History Month - March

SInce the entire month is set aside to remember female pioneers, you have flexibility for the date. Highlight important females in your tenant companies! Bring women-owned vendors on site - there are so many more options than just food trucks.

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Just the Basics

Here are a few easy suggestions for planning your Women's History event to get you started:
  • Host a women's history trivia contest. MOBLZ could create 20-50 questions of basic difficulty for your use as well. You can also hire a trivia company to host the game for you, but expect to spend at least $600 depending on the area you’re located in. You can do-it-yourself by using the trivia games to run a formal trivia game or let folks answer questions for a prize.
  • Schedule a Food Truck to serve lunch - try to find a female-owned truck. If your budget allows, provide free food or discounts. This can be tied to a set number of orders a maximum doallar figure, and then you coordinate with the food truck vendor at the end of the day to pay out anything they’ve awarded. If budget doesn’t allow for rewards, the tenants will still appreciate being able to buy their own lunch while having fun on-site.   
    • We can help you determine a budget based on activities at your other events if needed. Most trucks will work on a maximum so you can give them your budget number and they’ll stop serving free food once that’s reached.