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Trail Hiking

There are two opportunities for an event built around the walking trails - National Trails Day (1st Sat. in June) and National Hiking Day (Nov. 17). Take advantage of the trail network on your campus and your employees' interest in the outdoors to create a unique event.

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Just the Basics

Here are a few easy suggestions for planning your Trail Hiking event to get you started:
  • Having a trail network on campus is important for this event. Consider the network and what it has to offer:
    • An opportunity for forest bathing or practiced mindfulness?
    • Tree identification?
    • Wildlife observation?
  • If you don't have a suitable network, take the opportunity to showcase nearby hiking opportunities to give employees ideas for their weekends.
  • Your local recreaton department may have tips or resources.
  • Schedule a Food Truck to serve lunch. If your budget allows, provide free food or discounts.   
    • We can help you determine a budget based on activities at your other events if needed. Most trucks will work on a maximum so you can give them your budget number and they’ll stop serving free food once that’s reached.   
    • Food Truck Discount Examples: Most food trucks will work with you to create a package to meet your budget. Ideas for how you might incorporate free tenant food include giving the first 20 people free lunch, paying for the first $500 spent at the truck, or paying for an appetizer for anyone up to $250.