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Pi Day Dessert Break - March 14

Who doesn’t love pie and a good pun? Since March 14 replicates the first digits of the fun constant “Pi” (3.14), it’s been dubbed a fun day loved by math nerds and others. Provide a variety of pie-type foods – pizza, quiche, and of course, dessert pie! Throw in some trivia and give your STEM tenants a fun event. This is also Albert Einstein’s birthday, so you can make relevant references.

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Just the Basics

Here are a few easy suggestions for planning your Pi Day event to get you started:
  • Offer prizes! Create a Prize Wheel to give away themed small prizes, Also include coupons or a raffle for free lunch at the food truck or a discount on their lunch purchase. 
  • Schedule a Food Truck to serve lunch. Pizza and quiche vendors are good choice to reinforce the theme. Don’t forget to schedule sweet pie, too! If your budget allows, provide free food or discounts. This can be tied to another part of the event, and then you coordinate with the food truck vendor at the end of the day to pay out anything they’ve awarded. If budget doesn’t allow for rewards, the tenants will still appreciate being able to buy their own lunch while having fun on-site.   
    • We can help you determine a budget based on activities at your other events if needed. Most trucks will work on a maximum so you can give them your budget number and they’ll stop serving free food once that’s reached.  
    • Food Truck Discount Examples: Most food trucks will work with you to create a package to meet your budget. Ideas for how you might incorporate free tenant food include giving the first 20 people in costume free lunch, paying for the first $500 spent at the truck, or paying for an appetizer for anyone in costume up to $250. 

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