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Fish Fry

While some tenants may take the Lent season seriously, you can help everyone have a little fun while staying true to the no-meat Friday tradition. Offer a fish fry vendor on a Friday and turn up the energy.  Play up the fishing aspect and let your anglers get a head start on their hobby!

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Just the Basics

Here are a few easy suggestions for planning your Fish Fry event to get you started:
  • Set up themed yard games. Encourage some friendly competition while tenants wait for their lunch orders! Cornhole or bean bag toss are all available and simple to have available for some added fun.
  • Schedule a Food Truck to serve lunch –If your budget allows, provide free food or discounts. If budget doesn’t allow for rewards, the tenants will still appreciate being able to buy their own lunch while having fun on-site. 
    • We can help you determine a budget based on activities at your other events if needed. Most trucks will work on a maximum so you can give them your budget number and they’ll stop serving free food once that’s reached.
    • Food Truck Discount Examples: Most food trucks will work with you to create a package to meet your budget. Ideas for how you might incorporate free tenant food include giving the first 20 people in costume free lunch, paying for the first $500 spent at the truck, or paying for an appetizer for anyone in costume up to $250.

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