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Easter Egg Hunt for families

Spring has sprung and celebrations should reflect it! Plan an Easter Egg Hunt for families of your workplace. This suggestion is a little different as it invites employees to bring their families to the workplace and have some family fun. A lawn area for egg hiding is necessary and scheduling during a weekend would be more ideal for this specific event. 

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Just the Basics

Here are a few easy suggestions for planning your Easter Egg Hunt event to get you started:
  • Buy and hide a known number of plastic eggs in a common area. We suggest a known number of eggs so you know when the hunt is completed. Eggs should have a variety of small treats inside ~ candy, stickers, small toys. Be mindful of allergies & household preferences about sugar. Also have a number of collection baskets on hand in case some families arrive without their own.
  • Create photo opportunities with a giant cutout rabbit and related backdrops. Families will want pics of their little one with full baskets to share on social media.
  • Schedule a Food Truck to serve beverage, snacks, or lunch, depending on when you schedule the event. If your budget allows, provide free food or discounts. This can be tied to anyone in costume, and then you coordinate with the food truck vendor at the end of the day to pay out anything they’ve awarded. If budget doesn’t allow for rewards, the tenants will still appreciate being able to buy their own lunch while having fun on-site.   
    • We can help you determine a budget based on activities at your other events if needed. Most trucks will work on a maximum so you can give them your budget number and they’ll stop serving free food once that’s reached.  
    • Food Truck Discount Examples: Most food trucks will work with you to create a package to meet your budget. Ideas for how you might incorporate free tenant food include giving the first 20 people in costume free lunch, paying for the first $500 spent at the truck, or paying for an appetizer for anyone in costume up to $250. 

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