Working Your Asphalt Off

Rewarding Remote Employees & The 3 P's of Food Trucks

Click to view! Work Your Asphalt Off - Turn your Asphalt into an Asset


In this week’s MOBLZ podcast, Eric Garrison and Becky Hanner discuss how to turn something seemingly mundane, such as an asphalt parking lot, into something that draws people in and makes the property you manage the happening place. This doesn‘t have to be for just during the day, but can put those assets to work for you event for nights and weekends, too.

Today's property managers need to be more like a cruise director. Using the Parking lots for events, car shows, food truck rodeos, etc. are all great ways to maximize your property in new ways.

Check out the podcast below and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more insightful ideas and thoughts on how to better manage the assets you’re entrusted with.